Hackett Back 9
1st: Gerry Lavelle 19pts
2nd: Declan Brady 18pts (L.6)
Kilmore Course
1st: Martin Cosgrove 29pts (B.9)
2nd: Peter Mulry 29pts
3rd: Cormac O'Muirithe 27pts
7 Played
Kilmore Course
1st: Luke Geraghty 43pts
2nd: David Hurst 41pts
3rd: Brendan Keane 41pts
Cat (0 - 18): John Wilson 40pts (B.9)
Cat (19 - 54): Jimmy Flannery 39pts
F.9: Sean McAndrew 23pts
B.9: James McGuire 22pts
Hackett Back 9
1st: Jimmy S Flannery 20pts
2nd: Ronan Gaughan 19pts
Hackett Course
1st: Sean Gaughan 40pts
2nd: Edmund McAndrew 38pts (B.9)
3rd: Vincent Keane 38pts
Cat (0 - 18): Martin Cosgrove 37pts
Cat (19 - 54): Brendan Reilly 35pts
F.9: Jimmy J Flannery 18pts(L.3)
B.9: Mark Irwin 22pts (L.6)
49 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Sean Doherty 45pts
2nd: Jimmy Monaghan 43pts (B.9)
Hackett Course
1st: Vincent Fahy 37pts
2nd: Padraig Ruddy 36pts (B.9)
3rd: Gerry Lavelle 36pts (B.9)
Cat (0 - 18): Ryan O'Donoghue 36pts
Cat (19 - 54): Tony Gaughan 35pts
F.9: David Conroy 19pts
B.9: Frank Healy 19pts (L.6)
42 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Dave Daly 41pts
2nd: Jimmy J Flannery 40pts
3rd: Kiernan O'Connor 39pts (B.9)
Cat (0 - 18): Peadar Mulry 39pts
Cat (19 - 54): Ivan Griffin 39pts
F.9: Ivan Barrett 21pts
B.9: Jason Carey 28pts
49 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Hughie Carey 68
2nd: Ryan O'Donoghue 70 (L.3)
3rd: Jimmy Monaghan 70 (B.9)
Cat (0 - 18): Sean McAndrew 70
Cat (19 - 54): Kenny Concannon 71 (B.9)
F.9: Donal Shine 34.0
B.9: Brendan Healy 30.0
54 Played
WAD Course
1st: Martin Cosgrove 39pts (L.6)
2nd: Jim Brown 39pts
Kevin Padden 38pts (L.3)
Cat (0 - 18): Gerry Lavelle 38pts
Cat (19 - 54): Sean O'Coisdealbha 35pts
F.9: John Ginnelly 20pts (L.6)
B.9: Cormac O'Muirithe 19pts
56 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Kevin Donnelly 43pts (B.9)
2nd: Ronan Murray 43pts
Liam Murphy
Cat (0 - 18): Kevin Padden 39pts
Cat (19 - 54): Kevin Conroy 38pts
F.9: Peter Mulry 21pts (L.3)
B.9: Kevin Caffrey 23pts
52 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Damian Lavelle 44pts (B.9)
2nd: Vivian Healy 44pts
Liam Murphy
Cat (0 - 18): Sean Gaughan 39pts
Cat (19 - 54): Donal Shine 33pts (B.9)
F.9: Eamonn Murphy 20pts (L.6)
B.9: Kevin Donnelly 21pts
42 Played
WAD Course
1st: CoilÃn Faherty 38pts
2nd:Ronan Murray 37pts
Mixie McGuire 34pts
14 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Kevin Padden 40pts
2nd: Sean McAndrew 39pts
Sean O'Coisdealbha 38pts (B.9)
31 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Sean O'Coisdealbha 42pts (B.9)
2nd: Mixie McGuire 42pts
3rd: John Lennon 39pts
29 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Liam Murphy 44pts
2nd: Sean Doherty 40pts
3rd: Noel McLoughlin 39pts (L.6)
Cat (0 - 18): Martin Cosgrove 38pts (B.9)
Cat (19 - 54): David S Gaughan 39pts (B.9)
F.9: Kevin Conroy 23pts
B.9: Richard Stich 21pts (L.3)
59 Played
WAD Course
1st: Vivian Healy 71
2nd: Kevin Fallon 73 (B.9)
3rd: Kevin Carey 73 (B.9)
Cat (0 - 18): Cormac O'Muirithe 73
Cat (19 - 54): Alan Butler 75
F.9: John Lennon 33.5
B.9: Sean Doherty 34.5
53 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Gerry Lavelle 38pts (B.9)
2nd: Kevin Padden 38pts
3rd: Sean McAndrew 37pts (B.9)
Cat (0 - 18): Ciaran Rabbett 37pts
Cat (19 - 54): Donal Shine 33pts (B.9)
F.9: Fergal Ruane 22pts
B.9: Noel McLoughlin 19pts
49 Played
Hackett Course
1st: David S Gaughan 71
2nd: Noel McLoughlin 72 (B.9)
3rd: John Ginnelly 72
Cat (0 - 18): John Hanley 73
Cat (19 - 54): Brendan Healy 74
F.9: Donal Shine 34.0
B.9: Sean Doherty 33.0
Longest Drive: Michael Gaughan
Nearest the Pin: Kevin Fallon
65 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Jason Padden 64.5pts
2nd: Martin Cosgrove 64pts (T.9)
Gross: Eddie McAndrew 40pts
3rd: Andrew Murphy 64pts
4th: Padraig McGinty 63.5pts
Cat (0-12): Vincent Keane 53pts
Cat (13-28): Rory Shine 61.5pts
Cat (29-54): Kevin Carey 55pts
Best Qualifier: Ivan Barrett 43pts
Past Captain: CoilÃn Fahrty 60.5pts
Best Senior: Noel Reilly 56pts
Front Nine: Ronnie McDonnell 23pts (L.6)
Back Nine: Ciaran Rabbett 22pts (L.6)
Third Nine: Cathal Doherty 20pts
Nearest the Pin: Tom Gillespie
Longest Drive: Jason Padden
Hackett Back Nine
1st: Liam Murphy 23pts
2nd: Ryan O'Donoghue 20pts
3rd: Noel McLoughlin 19pts
40 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Ronan Gaughan 67 (B.9)
2nd: Sean McAndrew 67
3rd: John D Hanley 69
Cat (0 - 18): John Wilson 70
Cat (19 - 54): John Lennon 70
F.9: Andrew Murphy 34.0
B.9: Kevin Fallon 33
52 Played
Hackett Back Nine
1st: John Hanley, Donal Shine, Damien Murphy, Cillian McAndrew 24.55
2nd: Pat Reidy. Ivan Barrett, Peadar Mulry, Caroline Dixon 27.95
3rd: Damian Lavelle, Keith Kissane, Kenny Concannon, Liann Concannon 28.40
52 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Tom McAndrew & John Higgins 43pts
2nd: Tommy Talbot & Andrew Murphy 40pts (B.9)
3rd: Peter Mulry & Donal Shine 40pts (B.9)
4th: John Ginnelly & Mixie McGuire 40pts (B.9)
44 Played
Hackett Back Nine
1st: Ciaran Rabbett 24pts
2nd: Hughie Carey 22pts
3rd: John Hanley 21pts (L.6)
44 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Jason Padden 42pts
2nd: Andrew Murphy 41pts
3rd: Declan Brady 40pts
Cat (0 - 18): Ciaran Rabbett 37pts (B.9)
Cat (19 - 54): Donal Shine 39pts (B.9)
F.9: John Hanley 20pts (L.3)
B.9: Sean Meenaghan 22pts
Longest Drive: Sean Meenagahn
71 Played
Hackett Front Nine
1st: Kevin Caffrey 22pts (L.6)
2nd: James Lavelle 22pts
3rd: Vincent Keane 21pts
38 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Kevin Padden 42pts
2nd: Mark Irwin 41pts (B.9)
3rd: Gerry Maguire 41pts
Cat (0 - 18): Dave Daly 39pts
Cat (19 - 54): Cathal Doherty 39pts
F.9: Jim Brown 22pts
B.9: Declan Healy 21pts
67 Played
WAD Course
1st: Dave Daly 66
2nd: John Hanley 68
3rd: Gary Oliver 70 (B.9)
Cat (0 - 18): Ronan Gaughan 70
Cat (19 - 54): Tom Gillespie 76
F.9: Peter Mulry 35.0
B.9: Ronnie McDonnell 35.5
42 Played
Hackett Course
1st: James Lavelle & Peadar Mulry 44pts
2nd: Kevin Donnelly & Pat McIntyre 42pts
20 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Eamon Mangan 40pts (B.9)
2nd: Sean Meenaghan 40pts
Gross: Cormac O'Muirithe 38pts
3rd: John Ginnelly 39pts
Cat (0 - 18): Jason Padden 38pts (B.9)
Cat (19 - 54): Noel Reilly 38pts
F.9: Peter Mulry 23pts
B.9: Kevin Padden 20pts (L.6)
Longest Drive: Martin Cosgrove
Nearest the Pin: Hughie Carey
64 Played
WAD Course
1st: James Lavelle 43pts
2nd: Brendan Healy 42pts
3rd: Damien Murphy 41pts
42 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Vincent Keane 40pts
2nd: David S Gaughan 40pts
3rd: John Gaughan 38pts
Cat (0 - 18): Jim Brown 38pts
Cat (19 - 54): Kevin Carey 37pts
F.9: Dave Daly 22pts
B.9: Gerry Lavelle 20pts
66 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Eamonn Murphy 41pts
2nd: Cormac O'Muirithe 40pts (B.9)
3rd: James Mangan 40pts (B.9)
30 Played
WAD Course
1st: Martin Cosgrove & Des O'Connor 44pts
2nd: Ronan Murray & David Padden 43pts
3rd: Cormac O'Muirithe & Ryan O'Donoghue 41pts
34 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Ciaran Rabbett 140
2nd: Cathal Church 146 (Best Mon)
3rd: Cormac O'Muirithe 146
Gross: Michael Gaughan 158
Cat (0 - 18): David Hurst 147 (Best Mon)
Cat (19 - 54): Kyle Holmes 149
F.9: CoilÃn Faherty 68
B.9: John Hanley 72
60 Played
Hackett Course
1st: Peter Mulry 37pts
2nd: Des O'Connor 34pts (B.9)
3rd: Andrew Murphy 34pts
38 Played
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